Thursday, July 29, 2010

Good Morning and Many Blessings

I realized that I have focused so much on Rick this last year that alot of what I am doing is getting swept under the rug and that isn't what this blog is about. This has been a year and half of so much change for me.

Finished up school, at harmony with my family, making a living again... I feel truely blessed. No we aren't back in our mansion, and maybe we won't ever be.... I really don't care. This has been a year of sacrifice, had to give up things I loved for their own good..... the old me would have drug them along for the ride. Thank God that I get pictures and visits.

My daughter got into the Masters program! My grandbabies are all doing well, my son needs to finish his journeyman, and my other son is about to go back to school at 30..... I am a very proud Mom!

Monday, July 26, 2010

What an Awesome Weekend!!!!!

Billy and Tammy brought Jacob to Austin, He is growing so fast... they stayed Thursday-Sunday. Then Sunday, Richard and I went to HH..... I slept like a baby last night....... pure happiness.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

New Territory for My Understanding.... INCEST

As you know I am branching out to new fields of study, and Rick has put this new one in my face........ I can't say that I could ever understand incest........ but I feel that trying to understand and love a damaged person you need to study and learn all you can about what damaged them.

He is still having a few fall backs but nothing like when we first met over a year ago. I think that he just has too much time on his hands.... if I ever get an investor and we can devote time to building the business I think that will get his mind off of the past. You see you have to face your fears and your guilts to heal.... but dwelling on them just festers and eventually explodes. He has showed no aggression to me for quite awhile now..... in the manner that he has done in the past. His family is still a huge trigger for him .... and I pray that he will heal eventually. I know that he loves them, and I actually believe that they love him too..... but ALL of them live in the past verses moving towards the future.

My son has had a huge struggle to stay good and I know that I could never give up on him.

Many Blessings

Monday, July 19, 2010


We have decided to put Rick under hypnotherapy, to pull out all of those inner demons that he hidden under many layers of pain. From all I can tell his anger and pain are rooted in his childhood....... we must pull out the "boogieman" that created these inner demons. He is remembering alot on his own........ but I think that the hypnotherapy will bring out everything.

I am intrigued with what causes a personality to fragment like his has........ what a case study and I am so glad that I can do it publiclly.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Revelation is Good for Your Soul..... But bad for OTHERS

kinda worried about Ricks Blog, he has read mine and sees it as a good way to vent..... My fear is that it is also a good way to HURT. Rick is still that little boy (his Ricky personality) that young gangster (his Tricky personality) and the 46yo man (Rick) that is struggling to overcome the other 2 personalities.

You see he sees no holds barred in all of this........ why he left home so early, the homosexual demon that took advantage of him in his youth (that is the struggle with his sexuality) His guilts over the crimes that he commited.

We can't move forward and hold onto guilts and fears as I have stated many times.... but if he vents out like he plans on it can ruin alot of lives in the bargin.... not that most of these people desearve a break for what they created... it is the innocent other generations that worry me.

On the good side, his need to vent is showing that he is healing!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ricks Blog

Rick has decided to started his own blog on what made him get to the place that he has gotten to and the rough lonely road that lead him there. The name of his blog is Truth the url is Enjoy! and Many Blessings

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Here is a pic of me and rick to show that he is doing great....... he said his mom hates me soooooo bad that if he came back to me ......... he was kicked out of the will......... hmmmmmm do we care? We love each other and all the people on Earth........ we made it without money and will do fine without her money (inhierted)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Rick........ is here

Well I havent been blogging for awhile because I have been too busy with my new practise......... things are going amazing here in Austin and I must say I am the happiest I have ever been...... and did I mention that Rick is here from Las Vegas? He looks great and I am getting him into the hypnotherapy course that I took, and the Reiki Healing (since he can already heal so well) Just goes to show that faith moves mountains.

Many Blesssings and May God Bless