Tuesday, March 15, 2011

We Need Help

Morning Star Retreat

Morning Star will feature new age spiritual beliefs and health programs
non-religion based spiritual meetings and classes
alternative medical practices
chakra realigning and charging
sensual healing
alternative infertility treatments
healthier food behaviors
organic gardens
energy healings
animal energy healings
meditation gardens

This is my Dream and I believe that this was my purpose, I have seen the miracles that sensual and spiritual healing can do! I was suppose to die 5 years ago from Lupus and now there is no signs what so ever of Lupus. I know with a firm belief that God will guide us to miracle healing modalities that it will happen!

I need donations to get this all started and it can only come from true believers in Gods amazing grace..... Look at the changes that he has done in mine and Ricks lives.

If anyone wants to donate to help me with any of this I have a paypal acct setup under Earthgoddesscarla@gmail.com even $5 can make a difference in many lives.

Thanks So Much and Many Blessings
Rev. Carla Holland-Strange