Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sooooo Strange

It is so strange that my transition started way before I ever heard of Laws Of Attraction, The Secret, or the American Monk. i gained these abilities way BEFORE I knew that it exsisted anywhere else. No wonder so many people are diagnosed with mental disorders, they get these abilities and don't know how to train them! They let it build into anger, fear, and sometimes suicide! Most of the time they are real!!!! Those voices in your head, the erational thought patterns. You need to chanel it! You need to realize what is going on . I keep seeing so many kids going off the deep end right now and I an thinking that most of them are the Indigo Children! I know that my children are true Indigos, I wish I had the abilities while raising them that I have now.

Go back to the beginning of my blog, to the beginning of my transitions, see the differences and witness the pure knowledge base that I have gained. We have it.......and unlike the teachers I don't believe everyone has it. I think if you say everyone it is easier to sell more stuff. I know that the teachers truely have it.........but not everyone. I have learned to see the people that have the abilities. I am not saying they are superior, hell some are homeless people. They mask with addictions..... I know I did it forever.

I have enough data and healings now to know that I am right. I laughed last night, a young man came to me and said his brother got all the bad genes...........cause he heard voices and had superpowers! I want to find that brother! I am sick of turning on the news and seeing another kid killed because he can't chanel his energies and no one knows what they are all about!

Our job should be saving the children first!

let me tell you, I have lost 160 pounds, stopped 3 addictions, stopped angers and aggressions, all with training my mind to stop....... I have seen miracles that should not be possible ( like me being pregnant) self healings, demons excersied...... I know that ALL things are possible. Never give up on your child. I didn't

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