Friday, April 23, 2010

My Pupose in Life Test

Find Your Passion and Purpose Test. Summary of Your Answers Thank you for taking this test. Now one last thing remains.

This page contains your answers to the questions along with comments. Go through everything and analyze each of your answers to enhance your self-awareness regarding your passion and purpose in life. Take notes if necessary and reflect on what you read. Your passion and purpose are not written here in a single sentence, but is captured in everything below. Only you can know what your passion is.

What are you naturally curious about?

Your answer to this question gives you an indication what are the different topics where your passion may lie. You may find here clues about a suitable profession for you or a field you want to work on. Often what we naturally do we enjoy the most.

What would you change about the world?
racial, sexual hate, judgemental people

What makes you angry the most shows you in a way what you care about the most, what is close to your heart. It is unlikely that you are emotionally strongly moved by something you are not even slightly passionate about.

What would you love to do or accomplish before you die?
find my twin soul, see my grandchildren again, make peace with my father, tell everyone how much my god means to me, go on a cruise, have a home again

The things you listed as answers not only give you an idea of your goals, but also your values - what is important to you and how you would like to live your life. See if you can spot any themes in your things to do list.

What would you do if could not fail?
spread Gods love to EVERYONE

This question helped you to think without limitations. There is a good chance you wrote here things that you really want to do.

What would you do if you would not be limited by money?
saving doomed marriages, helping the homeless, better senior care, andmaking a garden of eden

Similar to the last one, the question removed barriers from your thinking and brought out your inner desires. Remember that you might be able to earn money following your passion too.

What would you like to hear at your funeral?
I want to know that I touched lives and made a difference..... that I left a better place from knowing me.

Your answer shows you what you value and how you would like to live your life, what is truly important to you.

What are the things you currently enjoy doing?
dancing, making love, laughing, amusement parks, playing with my dogs

Very straightforward - your passion may lie in one of those activities.

What were the activities or tasks you were doing when you felt most empowered?
working........ i love to work. I love to see all that I can achieve

When you are passionate about some project or assignment, you feel energized, you don't get tired and you feel excited. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be. If you felt something like this when doing the tasks you listed, this might be it or at least you're close.

What would you most like to be acknowledged for so far in your life?
My children

You only take pride in things that matter to you. The question is if these things matter you the most?

If you had only one wish, what would it be?
to be loved

Now that you gave it some thought, try to think of at least 5 more people for whom you could make a wish, include strangers. After you've done this for a little while, see what trends you see. This will be at least very close to your purpose.

Whose life do you want to be living?
mine, but not homeless......... I love who I am

If you did pick anyone, why did you choose these people? There is something about their achievements, lifestyle or other aspects of life that you find desirable. That's a hint.

What ideas are you most inspired by?
the end of homelessness, animal cruelty, child and elder abuse...... and religions that judge

If there is an idea that really inspires you, that could very well be your purpose.

With whom would you like to surround myself?
free spirited, non-judgemental, people from all backgrounds and wealth

You become who you drink coffee with. The kind of people you want to have around you tells you what kind of a person you want to be.

Do you take responsibility for what is happening to you?
No...... I feel that I was thrust into this by a divine force

Only you can change your future and create the life you want to live, noone else. If you blame others and shift the responsibility away from you, you are looking for answers in a wrong place. If you said yes, congratulations.

Now that you have gone through this exercise, answered all the questions and read the answers once again - do you see patterns in your answers? Identify what are the common themes in your answers and you will find your passion and purpose in life.

We hope you gained new insights about yourself and we would love to know what you think.

Note: If you move away from this page, you will lose the results. You might want to copy the results and paste them to a document.

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Ask away and I will try to fill ya in. Much Love