Thursday, July 30, 2009

Shaking My head in DisBelief

How can anyone ask for acceptence when they are non-accepting? I was on meet-up today and was asked to join a meet-up group in Las Vegas, I am always ready to support a good cause.... But they REJECTED Me!!!!! LOL

It was a gay theatres group........ why invite me if your so closed minded!

I openly embrace every sexuality and lifestyle, encouraged people to be proud of who they are and I get rejected.....LMAO Here is what I responded:

Awww that is ok...... You should have read my profile. I am a STRAIGHT Activist for Gays...... I had gotten an Invite to join your group because it was about the Adult Industry, which I am the Owner of Vegas Adult Talent and Production.. but seems that BOTH sides draw that line and who will ever accept you if you don't accept them.......... Many Blessings Carla Holland-Strange

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