Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Now Who I am.....Damn

Have you ever heard the Song I'm a Bitch? Well I guess that fits me better than anything I am all things to all people. I have been a stripper, escort, porn actress, porn producer, wife, mother, sinner, saint, granny to 9, and now studying to be a minister and psychologist.. While Homeless!!!! I am going to try and blog this horrid mess and let you see that even out of the horror and injustices you can shine!

I have nearly died 6 times, been abused by many men, strangeled and left for dead, raped and told I would have been better off dead, sit next to a serial killer for weeks at a club and had the salvation not to be one of his victims!

I have joined every religion thinking that maybe it would make me whole, some did for a minute. I then turned on religion because I felt that it had betrayed me or rather that My God had betrayed me thru so many trials..... now I realized that the trials were just life! No more no less! I have realized that religion wasn't important to me (or I would have held onto it) My spirituality is (and I never let that go)

I have felt like shit for so long and blamed myself for my path that I chose but I would still today choose the same path...... it is what has lead me to the knowledge that I am a true gift of God (as we all Are)

You see I am one of those people that hang out with every type of person... gays, trannies, black, white, green .... Hell I had to have a shirt made for the clubs that stated "I have No Penis!!!' I have dealt with every addiction in the world and fetish for that matter, so it is impossible to shock me or even make me not understand. Ya see on my journey I have learned to never judge or condemn, but accept and love!

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