Friday, October 30, 2009

Red Rock Mansion

I will be hosting parties and events at the famous Red Rock Mansion! We just set in motion the purchase and will start the remodeling next week. This is a 10,000SQ mansion sitting on 2 acres, indoor and outdoor pools, indoor and outdoor hot tubs, 600sq fountain in the foyer, tennis courts and putting green.... Gorgeous Bar and Theatre Area!

We will offer gourmet catering, Weddings, Events, Private parties, Weekend Retreats... you tell us what you want!!!!! Clothing Optional is also available.

My Near Death Experiences... All Documented

I was awakened this morning by something that I should tell you all about, well actually alot of things, but I can only tell you alittle this morning and more this afternoon.

I was born to a 16 yo mother and a 17 yo father in Texas May 2nd 1961, and my birth name is Carla Michele Holland. Life never was too easy but early on I bean to have near death experiences at 9 I got Scarlett Fever and ran 106 for 3 days, y mom bathed me in witch hazel and ice packs. Doctor told me at 15 I would NEVER be able to hae a child (I had 10 pregnancies by the time I was 23)in my 20's I had 2 strokes, cancer (hysterectomy) In Anchorage at Humana Hospital. Dr Oti (Anchorage) found a pituitary tumor n my brain at 24 (that cased the strokes) I have NEVER had it removed! Shit there has been so many that I can't even remember all of the dates but I remember the hospitals so you can verify anything I tell you! In fact most have been on TV.... Montel

Pancreatitis to the point of ICU RDH in Dallas
Staph and Blood poisoning Scott and White Temple Texas (Dr. Said I was the frst to jump a heart patient for surgery)
Ludwig Angina Disorder with a 10% chance to live Dec 2008..... I walked out of ICU Dec 24th 2008
26 poisons administered (enough to kill 5 men is what the doctors said)

Now look at my transformations mentally, emotionally and physically that I have gone thru in the last few years.... I lost 160 pounds from a size 28 to a 6! My hair turned from Red to Blonde overnight (I know that I call it my gray but it is blonde) My bone structure in my face has changed drastically, I love feel and act younger than I did at 30 and now I am 48!!!! My plastic surgeries have been tummy tuck, thigh lift (lousy one) and 11 breast butchers. NO facial surgeries at all.

NOW the big one..... a baby coming after a hysterectemy. I have never read the bible,but at 6am I have beeen ordered to read revelations and I guess that is what I wlll do this morning........... Many Blessings

There was a persecuton of an Angel that must be righted, and a rebirth of the knowledge that GOD loves you, that GOD and No other is the way to save this sewage bin that we call home. Don't shoot the messenger because you don't like the message.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

New Photos of my baby bump

Book Deal... and of course Live Oak Resort, WalMart and PrePaid Legal.

I have been offered a book deal and probably won't be blogging too much anymore. Except of course about the businesses that I feel shaft the people that keep them in business. Like Live Oak Resort, WalMart and PrePaid Legal...... You see I am an internet guru and I know what googling and pinging can bring to the forefront. I saw the article on Wal Mart Stocks yesterday and I am a great person for speaking my mind! Ask the Doctor in Costa Rico that butchered me.... or you can catch the Montel Show where we exposed him. Think I am going to Use Glen Learner for an attorney, tried to give the companies time to do what is right before I hired him BUT...... they think that us little guys are not very important and have no right to common dignity at their businesses.

I did also write the the Washington County Judge yesterday..... Time will tell. You see this is not about me.... it is about every single woman that goes there and is NOT protected. There are alot of amazing Adult Lifestyle Resorts and what makes them amazing is that a single woman can go there and feel safe.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wal Mart, Live Oak Resort and PrePaid Legal

anyone want to join me in a class action case against either of these companies???? WalMart's Equate Brand was not properly labeled to warn against raised blood pressure and the effects of Ibuprofin PM.......... I have tons of hospital bills that they will not acknowledge.

Then there is PrePaid Legal..... follow their lawsuit trail to see that they do not do a damned thing that they claim to........ I prepaid a year and got no help out of 5 times that I contacted them for help.

And of Course there is Live Oak Resort in Texas, Have you been hurt there or sexually harrassed by the owner? Were you an employee that had to perform sexual favors for Larry to keep your job? Were you a guest that was attacked by single male guest and put in harms way? Yet the same male guest would be allowed to come back the very same week! Have you looked at your credit card charges from there and noticed how padded your bill was?? Did you notice the heavy septic smells? Or that the pool and spa are not chlorinated properly (chlorine poisoning) Or that the walk ways are not properly lighted? or that there is absolutely NO security? And I think that it is funny that small county Washington on the Brazos justice is ignoring it all out there.........can we say Payoff!

If you would like to join me an a class action suit on any of these companies feel free to call me at 702-533-3291. I intend to get the ACLU involved too. I am on a mission that, no one has the right to walk on us little guys anymore.

I am available for private Awakening Sessions

I am being mobbed since I began this blog, by people asking me to help them thru their transition into an awakening, Sadly to say I can't help everyone unless I get some kind of donations, I mean I spend about 8 hours aday on the phone sometimes helping people thru this, I can't afford to spend all day helping, because I then can not pay my bills.

I know that it is an extremely painful time and a confusing time, and what I tell you eases that but I have to have a way to pay my bills..... not to mention it is all very draining.

I will tell you though you need to understand why you are physically changeing, emotionally changing, being woke up all hours of the night, why you have the need to drink, your whole appearence will start changeing...... Look at Lindsy Lohan .... she is definately changing.... Kirstie Alley is the one I worry most about. You see I can spot immediately who is one of us, and no I do NOT believe that everyone is. We are all on different spiritual levels so why would we all be in the graduating class this lifetime?

Thing is, I see alot of people that die during the transition and that is what I am here to help with, you do not have to die! Some of the things to do are so simple that it will amaze you! and after your transitioning you will be so at peace with yourself

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Well Rick told me that Jan (his ex) reads my blog each day.............aww I am so honored. Well what would you like to know my darling Jan? How I spritualy maintain a badboy drunk? Well it isn't easy......... you have to love and accept him the way he is, and when you love and accept someone they bloom................ you see I dont believe in AA............your mind is a powerful agent and in that if you stand up and say I am ???? I am an alcoholic........... then you ARE an alcoholic! Our minds and spirits are an amazing organ..........strong and powerful. now as far is rick is concerned Jan, he does well 98% of the time..............but then there is that 2% that people like you, his mom, his sister put in him...........the total self destruction and lack of self worth.

well enjoy my blog Jan, when you grow and learn to accept his freaky ass then he is yours.... I myself choose to wait on someone that gets a nose bleed from the power of our sex.......someone that knows that I am the other half of his whole............but fears US. Jan I will continue to be there for your idiot, I will continue to pick him up and love him, I will continue to keep him safe and fed, I will continue to tell him that he has worth! Someone has to care about Rick......and I guess it is put on me to not give up on him............... Many Blessings But we do have AMAZING SEX!!!! do you miss it????

Homemade Butter, Sorbets, Sauces, Glazes

God I am can not believe all the home cookking I can do now!!!!! Getting famous for food.....thought it would be sex

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Ultimate Article on Transitioning to an Awakening

Researching all the time about the changes that have occurred in my life has lead me to many great articles, but this article has made me see that our World as we know it is definately over and the winds of change have begun in a huge way

I will be there for people going thru the fact as of this time I have helped over 20

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I need some insights on how to become human

Ok folks I need some insights on how to be more human. You see for years I am there for anyone that ever needs me, a place to stay, a place to eat, a hug, my last dime..... and throughout the years I have lost all my possessions, thrown into jail by my friends and family, lost my pets.... but I kept on with this endless spiral of belief in these very same people. I asked a roomful of them the other night.... why i could never come first to one of them. When things are going good, they put me right out of their thoughts...... But when things are bad or confusing and they need clarity........ they run straight to Momma.

Now here is my dilema, how do I stop caring? How to do I harden my heart to not care? I mean I am totally confused. I lost my baby 2 days ago and I was still going to LA to do the Walk For Aids and could not even get a ride from one of them..... much less a sponsor! Tony has lived with me off and on since 2007 and put in $120 in all that time....... then bitched cause he had to give me a ride. I called a number of friends to be with me when I lost the baby, and only one showed up! I have been in ICU 3 times and not one time did family or friends stay at the hospital with me! I rescued over 900 dogs in 7 years and my animals went to the pound when I was drugged and thrown in jail!

What I am saying is....... no matter how it hurts.... no matter what I lose...... No matter who stabs me in the back....... I won't change. Don't ask me why I love my God so much because, he doesn't answer my prayers too often either........ but I know that he is doing this for a reason. I haven't even been able to do an appointment because I was pregnant, my parties were people just showing up and not contributing towards the cause.... Except for the wonderful bands Smiling Slut Puppies, 90 degrees, and Elliot Zabo .... Ya'll were a true blessing! I also want to thank Jeanette Johnson my ex boss for making sure that I had a roof over my head.

My prayers are for humans to learn to care again, the computers and internet have made you kind of distant and cold. Are you replacing love, and friendships with a cold computer screen?

I forgot, Drew puts me first........ he was on the streets for 2 years and homeless..... he loves me.
I love all these people and even if I never get put first for a minute, i will still love them.

Enough venting..................................Many Blessings Carla Holland-Strange

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

going out tonight

I need to get out for awhile and listen to some music, So I am going to King Tuts for awhile. I am starting my Making Love Series this week for Showtime......keep fingers crossed

Visions and Legalities

I have been up for a few hours because of a vision, I think it began last night but I know that I got it full on this morning at 4am. Last night I thought it might be me, but now I think that it is my father that we will lose pretty soon. BUT just in case it is me...Since I am such a high risk pregnancy right now I want this in writing so no one can fight it! If anything happens to me, Taylor is to go to my Daughter Amanda Kaye Gates, no one else! I think I will be fine, but this vision makes me want to make sure that she is cared for and Amanda is the ONLY one that I would trust with this task. So now that is all in order...... back to my Dad. I pray that in his heart that he knows that I love him, always loved him and always will love him......... I hate that I was a problem for him.... I hate that he regreted me....... I hate that he never knew me or my kids.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Unexplained Pregnancy

I have been going over and over how I could possibly be pregnant AFTER a hysterectomy........I was talking to my Doctor friend and he said that he is seeing the weirdest cases lately here in Vegas... last week alone he saw a 10 year old and an 80 year old! Pregnant!

Now if any of you read my blogs from way back when I started them you will remember that i felt that I had been drugged until I went back to Texas. I have been doing soooo many studies on the Vegas Water supply, they found so many drugs in our water here in Vegas.... and the marine life had even started mutating sexes..... google it if you don't believe me! If it is the water every infertile couple should move to A Baby Oasis in the Desert!

I believe that besides a Miracle my baby was produced from the hormones in the water, my healthy diet, my healthy habits, my amazing sex life, walking, swimming............all the new things that I have brought into my life!

Look at Rick and Drew (both proclaimed alcoholics) ( I don't believe in addictions) they are both doing amazing. In fact Rick has completely redone our landscaping and Drew is keeping our home perfect. Yes I am alittle partial...I have fallen in love with Rick..... we make each other truly happy! And we are both so driven in our company that we are forming. I know I am blessed and I think that he realizes that he is too. You see he can actually have a drink and not crave another, addictions are all formed from your fears and guilts....with me he knows that I don't judge nor care about his it is easy for him to be Rick with me.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

how to talk to me


The Party Yesterday

Party was great.... 3 bands and over 100 people, but it ended me in bed (bleeding) My doc was here though, and I am ok so far. It was embarrassing with the friggin pool looking horrid, my pool guy is crappy, then Joe had said that he would do it....but he didn't. Guess he is too scared to actually see me and acknowledge the baby..... I took him off my facebook so he can just forget we exsist............. I mean I dont want shit out of anyone for Taylor. I mean I have raised my kids, I do know how to do this by I am never by myself. she has a huge family waiting on her.

I know I sound grumpy today and actually I'm not......... I am getting in bitch mode cause I have to promote my new series to Showtime and You have to put up a bitch front to not let them roll over you.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

So Close To the Party

Well our huge event is Sat for the Walk For Aids. I am so proud of Rick he is doing so well. I realized alot in the last few days, Love is not suppose to be painful, it isn't suppose to take alot of work.... it just is. Love is knowing and understanding each other, never expecting a person to change, And most of all being proud of them for who they are. He isn't drinking at all, he is helping with every single aspect of the party, and he holds the baby in his arms every night.

You see I thought I needed Joe because he was perfect, no drinking, no drugs, pretty to look at, talented.ya know what every woman wants.

I mean who would want Rick? total fuck up bad boy? I do..... I realized today that I love him...... After all I was the total fuck up bad look at me.
Many Blessings

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sooooo Strange

It is so strange that my transition started way before I ever heard of Laws Of Attraction, The Secret, or the American Monk. i gained these abilities way BEFORE I knew that it exsisted anywhere else. No wonder so many people are diagnosed with mental disorders, they get these abilities and don't know how to train them! They let it build into anger, fear, and sometimes suicide! Most of the time they are real!!!! Those voices in your head, the erational thought patterns. You need to chanel it! You need to realize what is going on . I keep seeing so many kids going off the deep end right now and I an thinking that most of them are the Indigo Children! I know that my children are true Indigos, I wish I had the abilities while raising them that I have now.

Go back to the beginning of my blog, to the beginning of my transitions, see the differences and witness the pure knowledge base that I have gained. We have it.......and unlike the teachers I don't believe everyone has it. I think if you say everyone it is easier to sell more stuff. I know that the teachers truely have it.........but not everyone. I have learned to see the people that have the abilities. I am not saying they are superior, hell some are homeless people. They mask with addictions..... I know I did it forever.

I have enough data and healings now to know that I am right. I laughed last night, a young man came to me and said his brother got all the bad genes...........cause he heard voices and had superpowers! I want to find that brother! I am sick of turning on the news and seeing another kid killed because he can't chanel his energies and no one knows what they are all about!

Our job should be saving the children first!

let me tell you, I have lost 160 pounds, stopped 3 addictions, stopped angers and aggressions, all with training my mind to stop....... I have seen miracles that should not be possible ( like me being pregnant) self healings, demons excersied...... I know that ALL things are possible. Never give up on your child. I didn't

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Truths

Here are some of the truths that I hold dear........take them or leave them

Point A to Point B= Talk directly to your God, not in the name of another
Agree to Disagree Never Ignore
Charity should begin at home and home is our World
The ONLY thing that will save Our world is Love, Peace and Happiness
Help the negative become positive, but realise that negativity will rub off on you (keep a distance)
We can't save everyone............BUT we sure as hell can try
Thank your God everyday for the good, the bad, and the bland
When you need something ASK.many times not just once........ your never ignored
God does not judge you because of your job, your sexuality, your race= He does not make mistakes
I am a Porn Goddess, an Escort Goddess, a Minister Goddess... He loves all of them
Treat people the way you want to be treated.
You can change a life with a kind word.
Believe in Miracles!!!!!!!!

Totally Amazes Me

I vowed to never blog negative on here anymore because I felt that negative would bring negative............BUT I do have something to say. How can you be so understood by strangers, and yet the people nearest you don't listen to the truths that your saying? Is it the Forest for the trees thing? I mean I have been preaching about how our hard times are there to make our good times shine, and that we get lean times before our bounties........ and the ones closest to me smile and nod their head (but dont listen) then a tv minister comes on and they are totally enthralled with the same message that I have been giving them all week!!!!!!!

My family did that too...... it is like putting a strangers values and beliefs as more important than someone that you claim to love. How does that happen? Agree to Disagree......... but never ignore.

As The Baby Turns

heheheheheheh got a huge scare last night.... I went out and was hurting so much that I had to come back home! Thought I was losing Taylor, but she was just growing. ... As is my boobs, nails, and hair!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Love + Passion + Commitment = Forever

I was asked an amazing question the other day.... A guy that I WAS dating asked "Carla your the perfect wife, why not get married and just let someone take care of YOU?" You see that has always brought wonder to the people in my life.... I mean I cook amazingly, keep a gorgeous home, fantastic in the sack, put family and friends first......... Perfect Wife material. But I don't settle. You see I believe in marriage so strongly that I will never settle again.

Wanna hear a big secret? I sleep alone everynight! Yes I love having people in my home, but I don't shack up................ funny coming from a sex professional huh? I have been married before and I felt that when it fell apart I had failed....... I now know that I didn't fail the marriage did. I got married for the wrong reasons........none of them were for love. One to get out of the house, one for a man to raise my kids (thank you Robert) and the last because he made me laugh. None of these things equal FOREVER.

You asked why being a sex therapist and marriage counselor is so important to me? Because I believe in it. The family unit is the perfect creation IF maintained! I mean you get your car tuned up to last longer, then why not your marriage?

Sometimes you need to be taught to fall back in love...... and sometimes it takes an outside source! That is where I come in. I know for a fact that an amazing partner makes an amazing mate. Someone that your in awe just looking at, someone that even in sloppy pj's and toussled hair makes your heart rip out of your chest. Someone that you love to talk to, smell, taste and when you come together it isn't just amazing, it is pure beauty. The beauty that only God can create. See marriage weren't made here on Earth, they were made by God. We just took that out of his hands lately.

You see I guess that old saying, if you can't do then teach is true. I am in love, my spirit has always been in love with this person, but this Earth may not be where we are suppose to be together and I am ok with that....... I won't settle. Plus I am blessed and I have enough to keep me busy.
Carla Holland-Strange

Friday, October 2, 2009

An Amazing Awakening

My journey has been amazing and the transformation even puts me in awe. You see when the transition began I felt that it was a nightmare that I could not wake up from. I mean all this crazy shit that has no earthly reasoning. BUT as I look back it has always been there in my life, when my great grandfather died I was 6 and i still remember him coming to me and letting me know that he was still with me. I have run from this most of my life, and not understood that it is the purpose that I am here.

God gives each of us talents and abilities........... wonderous gifts. My gifts are the gifts of sight, healing, compassion, empathy, and unconditional love. My job is to recognise and embrace them not run from them.

I tell my God everyday how much I love and appreciate him.....but now that my time is getting back into high demand... I don't spend enough time telling people in my life what they mean to me.

Mom, we don't have to agree to Love each other.......... But if tonight is the last night of our lives I want you to know that your my hero.

Kaye, I love you.... you have the same abilities that I do..... your just scared of them. Venture out and touch that inner soul... think of all the people that you can help. You have to love yourself for others to find you!

Gen, Jeremy, Brandon, Amanda..........what can I say. Your the best kids a woman could ever have...... your lights are so bright.

To all my amazing friends, all I can say is Thank God that I have you.

AJB.... we are forever connected.............we are forever atuned...........I will always feel your essence............ together or apart.

To my Darling Taylor Anne Holland, I pray we get thru this............ Your making me really tired lately.

Many Blessings
Carla Holland-Strange

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Did I Forget?

thank you my darling God for each and every blessing, stumbling block and hardship...... it truely makes us stronger people.
Many Blessings
Carla Holland-Strange

My Letter to Investors

I need an investor that wants to be a visionary......... Las Vegas is going to boom again real soon and you should not put all of your eggs in one basket! I need an investor that is ready to get on the ground floor of 4 amazing business w/property collateral! I am looking at a 6 mil investment with a 7% interest and a 3 year can't lose! This is a win win. and I have to get this started before my talk show starts Next Monday. You see I am a well known Adult Business Professional and I have a nationwide show starting next Monday on the Adult Broadcast Network. You can check me out on the Adult Who's Who.... Under Vegas Adult Talent. You see I am good at what I do because I love it! It is my PASSION not my job. When you love something you make it work. Just like a Mother nurturing a child that she has born......we put our whole spirit in it! Now total I need 6 M, for 3 projects, I can take one investor for all of them or we can break it all up. I have a winning team in place, this includes adult businesses, real estate management, talent, and flipping. I have the connections to get these houses sold, I also want to get a Vegas Team together for the Show Flip This House, I am starting a Sensual Healing Resort for Couples....... as you can see I know my business backwards and forwards. If interested please feel free to contact me at the number below. Vegas Adult IncCastingProductionLifeCoachingReal estate managmentRepairs and remodelingLandscapingSensual HealingCateringParty PlanningWeddingsCleaning Services (topless available)Dating ServiceMassage TherapistPrivate Make-Up ArtistPrivate HairdressersWe are the Ultimate Concierge Service for Vegas!No one is more respected! I have refs from all over the World for my hard work and sincerity!Carla Holland-Strangecall 702-291-8565

Hurting Really Bad Today

I am going to bed for the day, Rick was so evil last night.....all because I told him about the conversation with his sister. He had been doing so well. Hi ex called last night and finished it all off about how bad he is. So he busted a few dishes, and went on a rant. So I kicked him out today. Fuck why can't people let others get well. Now my baby is paying the price.