Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Final Blog After a Year of Transitioning to an Awakening

Seem like that sounds like a great title for my book huh? A Transitioning to My Awakening? Whew it has been a long year and a hard year... but a blessed year too! Last year I asked God to finally bring my soulmate into my life, did not know that in order for him to be there I had to lose everything to gain everything!

All year long has been a financial struggle, because God for some reason decided that I wasn't to be allowed to be a hooker anymore.... a great visionary told me that he had chose a new path for me. Well that path has lead me to many things that I am not only good but great at.... cooking, cleaning, compassion, spiritual healing and self awareness! The Friday before Thanksgiving an old long term friend put me and Rick out on the streets, and kept my possessions (id and purse) We have been sleeping in the back of a truck in temps as low as 38 degrees and we have done it and survived! Now Rick has a place to go (one of his drunk friends that hates me) but he chose to stay there and take care of me...... NO ONE EVER DID THAT FOR ME

Funny thing in all of this is that I have done things for others all of my life..... including all my friends that love to hang out or crash at my house for free all the time.. those are the people that kept my rooms full but only contributed to food for me to cook..... Now I know this is gonna piss alot of people off, but I really don't care anymore. When I talked to people on the phone and they found out that I was homeless they were sooooo ready to get off the phone. Told me alot! You will give a stranger on the street all of your change and not give a shit about your friends. I don't care if this hurts my business, since I don't want to work with users anyway.

Here is the funny part, most of you know that I am a survivor and I do not stay down..... I am a weeble I wobble but don't fall down. I ran into Sassy from the Sex with Sassy Show Yesterday and they want me to do VEgas Adult Inc on She even brought us a blanket and some clothes..... so I won't stay down.

Now if there really are any true friends out there we need help! This is Christmas time and I would never leave my friends homeless, cold and hungry in the back of a truck! I will help your careers alot with my show, allowing my true friends to guest on my show all the time.....but the friends that threw me to the curb need to throw away my number.........cause I remember everything. Even if you don't have cash to spare we need stuff.... pots, pans dishes, utensils, sheets, towels, old computer ANYTHING!

My number is 702-496-3627 A young HOMELESS boy put money on my phone, funny huh? Now you know if I can turn the Evil One into an amazing guy then I might turn my fake friends into frogs!
Oh and still hate Live Oak Resort and Sue Kasser, can't wait to bash them to all my radio listeners EVERY week till hell freezes Over!

Oh and Rick and I are getting Married Jan 1 2010 @ 1:01 am during the NYE Party..... because we are survivors!